This really IS the view from my front porch. Sweet, huh?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The thought of blogging scares me.  To think that my thoughts are just randomly placed out there for all to see.  But blogging is a wonderful way for one to express their thoughts and to share with friends all the moments that make up our day.  Well, maybe not all… but seriously. 
 Two of my three girls have left home and there is so much that I failed to tell them about life.  Now they’ll just have to experience it on their own.  (That could be dangerous.)  Blogging is a way that I can keep on telling them what not to do based on the fact that the experience or life lesson didn’t work so great for me.  “This is what you should not do.  Now let this be a lesson to you.”
While I’ve never really cared what others thought about me, spelling has never been my strong area and now everyone will know that.  The things we consider as horrible traits in our lives are really just small, insignificant matters to others.  Do you care that I can’t spell??? So today’s lesson is- Don’t be so hard on yourself.  Maybe through this experience I will become a better speller or at least become more dependent on spell-check.  Either way I’ve stepped out there and tried it.  Without a ruler it is hard to know how much you’ve grown.  But you don’t need a yard stick to measure an inch worm.  So strive to learn and grow each day and if today’s life lesson happens to knock you on your back side, get up, learn from it and move on.