I really tried to get this posted on the 28th but, oh well...
I have decided that growing old is not fun. It’s better than the alternative, but still not fun.
First it was my eyesight. I hate not being able to see. Now my vision is changing so fast that within a year I cannot use my new pair of glasses. We used to laugh about a dear friend having “reading glasses” distributed throughout her house. (LND – yes I’m talking about you.) But now I have glasses for reading, glasses for the computer, glasses for playing the piano and glasses for watching sports. Each pair is a little different and helps make their task easier.
I used to be able to bend down (a.k.a. squat) in the floor and immediately pop back up. Now I pop while trying to get up and am doing well if I don’t fall on my face while trying. Example – Josh’s wedding when I crashed to the floor after having squatted (that word sounds so ???) while taking pictures of Zac. Luckily it was a Catholic wedding and they just thought this Baptist girl couldn’t hold her liquor.
And then there’s the medication issue. One pill a day for blood pressure. One pill a day for hormone replacement. (Ricky makes sure I remember to take this one.) This week I was diagnosed with an esophageal ulcer – caused from taking … you guessed it – medications. So the doctor prescribed three medications to correct this problem. But here’s where it really gets confusing. “Eat smaller meals more often.” And new med #1- “Take one pill four times a day” along with new med #2- “Take one pill four times a day on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after other medications.” And then there’s new med #3- “Take one pill 30 minutes before meals.” Confused yet? I am. I have no idea what to take when. Did I mention that new Med #3 will cost me $325.00 a month after insurance. That’s enough to give you an ulcer!! Those of you over 50 are nodding in agreement. I’ll stop here for fear of boring the younger readers who do not yet understand what I am referring to.
The last half of your life, and I think I’m there (I do not intend to live to be 94), is referred to as “The Golden Years” because these years are valuable, worth more than gold. What will I do to increase the value of my Golden Years?
- I hope to grow wiser with age. Job said, ”Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days” Job 12:12
-I hope that I can pass the wisdom I’ve gained through age on to the next generation. “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching…” Proverbs 1:8
-I hope to become more Christ like with age. “The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, If it is found in the way of righteousness” Proverbs 16:31
I have no doubt that I will continue to have challenges to overcome that will seem like mountains to climb. But with the Lord’s help these will be conqured.
"HOW we grow old is far more important than how OLD we grow." -Unknown
April 28, 2011 - Happy Birthday to You. Ricky - my husband, Ann - my step-mom, Lloyd - my uncle and Erin, my Facebook friend.